Sunday, January 31, 2016

3 Reasons Why I Get Back Into Blogging

It's been over 5 years since I stopped blogging. I've been busy and lazy during these years and I will kill myself for stopping a habit everyone wish to start doing now - blogging!

Here are my practical reasons why I suddenly decided to get back into blogging:

1. I am not getting any younger. When I get old, I want to look back at my younger years and this blog will definitely be something I can be proud of and will remind me of my good memories when I was young. Blogging serves as a personal journal. 

2. To become a better thinker and a better writer. Writing is recording thoughts so blogging also pushes us to think deeper. English is my third language but I still chose English as my medium for blogging to practice writing in English. We will definitely notice day to day practice of blogging that our grammar and command in English language improves and the process of thinking a good topic and how to write it into a blog will definitely be easier in time. Blogging unleashes our creative thinking and writing. 

3. To meet new people and inspire others. I know for sure I will blog about my outdoor experiences from now on and share my thoughts about the place, food, culture and people of a certain destination. Blogging will change my life and also this, in some way, will change the life of the reader. I am hoping that my blog post will become an inspiration to some and that is what this all about. To inspire others is the greatest feeling. People who are touched with your post, relate and had the same experience will eventually post their comments, send you email, follow you on social media and that is one way of meeting new people.